Thursday 10 September 2009

How to build a B2B Twitter following?

You could try following hundreds of thousands of Twitter users and hope some of those automatically follow back. You’d obviously want to delete the ones who don’t follow you back! But I doubt very much whether this group of followers will actually pay any attention to what you are tweeting?

If you have tried to use Twitter for business and have found establishing your existing Twitter presence an uphill struggle, or if you are thinking about how best to tackle your entry into using Twitter for business here are some thoughts:

Do you need convincing about the benefits of Twitter?
Forget about it – just accept that Twitter has a role as a business communication channel for most B2B companies.

Do you think that Twitter will help you establish interpersonal relationships with your customers or prospects?
Forget about it - it won’t! Twitter is good for mass communication. Connect on Twitter and then take the conversation outside.

Do you generally speak when you have nothing to say?
Tweeting interesting things such as clickable links to resources, tips etc, can drive growth in followers. This is better in driving follower growth than just Tweeting regularly. You wouldn’t issue random press releases or email newsletters without any relevant content, so why would you change your strategy for Tweeting?

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